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Qtica Intense Total Hydrating Therapy Lotion is an unscented, advanced therapy lotion for hands, feet and body that locks in moisture for up to 8 hours and helps to keep skin looking smooth and healthy.
Qtica Intense Total Hydrating Therapy Lotion is gentle, non-greasy formula uses a miraculous hyaluronic acid (HA) panthanol and colagen combination to impart and lock in moisture to the dermal layer of skin...and it keeps it there for almost 8 hours. Vitamins A, B, and E help to soothe skin and keep it looking fresh and healthy.
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Qtica Intense Total Hydrating Therapy Lotion 6oz Pump
Size:   Intense Hydrating Lotion 6oz


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Naked-Manicure-Brand Qtica Intense Total Hydrating Therapy Lotion 6oz Pump Intense Hydrating Lotion 6oz
Qtica Intense Total Hydrating Therapy Lotion 16oz Pump
Size:   Intense Hydrating Lotion 16oz


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Naked-Manicure-Brand Qtica Intense Total Hydrating Therapy Lotion 16oz Pump Intense Hydrating Lotion 16oz
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